Saturday, February 11, 2006

Would You "Love" to Beat the Terrorists?

Michelle Malkin astutely notes that the Islamoterrorfascists are against Valentine's Day, as if Saint Valentine had anything to do with religion! Well, that's nonsense, and we have to STAND UP for Valentine's!

So for the next few days, be sure to have lots of sexual intercourse, and drink champagne, and eat good chocolate, and sleep in late on your best sheets. That will show Osama where you stand -- or where you "lay," lol!

Do it for Our Troops!


Blogger phinky said...

Once again, Michelle misses the point with her laser focus on the Islamist terrorists hidding under our beds out to get us. She missed the stories about how conservative Hindus and Japanese nationalists also hate Valentine's Day.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Chris Bray said...

Well, then, we should invade these Hindus and Japanese nationalists, too. Where would we find them? (Do you have a map of some kind?)

Anyway, it'll be a cakewalk. They're probably waiting to be made free, anyway, and would totally appreciate the sight of Our Troops coming into their countries.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Chris Bray said...

And I can't believe you said MICHELLE MALKIN missed the point of something! Do you want the Islamoterrorfascists to make there be Sharia law in Iowa City?!?!?! Are you on the side of the enemy?!?!?!

9:04 AM  
Blogger phinky said...

Well, I am a veteran who has doubts about the War in Iraq.

9:39 AM  
Blogger Chris Bray said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Chris Bray said...

Do you plan to run for office? If so, please leave the covers off your trash cans so that Mr. Rove's office can gain easy access. Also, we'll need to know what medals you've earned...

10:01 PM  

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